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Hypothyroidism in Dogs

Hypothyroidism in Dogs

If your dog suddenly gains weight and seems unusually tired, it might be more than just ageing—these could be signs of hypothyroidism. This condition occurs when the thyroid gland doesn't produce enough hormones, crucial for your dog's metabolism and overall health. When the thyroid isn't working properly, it can affect almost every system in your dog's body. Hypothyroidism is especially common in medium to large breeds and rare in smaller ones.

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Allergic cross-reactivity 

Allergic cross-reactivity 

Allergic cross-reactivity occurs when a dog is allergic to food and something in the environment, often protein and pollen. Approximately 15-20% of dogs develop allergies over their lifetime, most often before turning 3 years old. An allergic reaction is an immune response where your dog’s immune system has an inappropriate reaction to ingredients/substances in their … Continued

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How mental health impacts your dog’s behaviour

How mental health impacts your dog’s behaviour

Cognitive/mental health in dogs relates to the wellness of their brain and mind, influenced by factors like diet, training, age, surroundings, breed, and genetics. A dog’s daily activities and mental health are interconnected, with their cognitive well-being also affecting their behaviour. Essentially, a dog with good cognitive health is likely to exhibit good behaviour. The challenge is finding ways to promote this healthy mental state and, consequently, desired behaviour. Learn how in this blog.

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Puppy Rash Treatment: Causes, Home Remedies & Prevention

Puppy Rash Treatment: Causes, Home Remedies & Prevention

Puppies are particularly prone to rashes as their immune system is still developing, they have more sensitive skin and as they are curious they can be exposed to substances that irritate their skin. Rashes and itchy skin are therefore relatively common in puppies, but adult dogs are also susceptible to this. In this blog, you will learn more about the cause of rashes, home treatment, preventive measures and frequently asked questions. Persistent, painful and recurring rashes must be checked by a veterinarian.

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What is the best dog food?

What is the best dog food?

Selecting the right food for our furry companion is one of the most important decisions we make in regards to their health. Whether you provide your dog with dry food, wet food, raw food or home-cooked food -  the healthiest diet should ensure all the nutrients needed for growth, maintenance, repair and general well-being. Malnutrition occurs in cases where the dog receives an unbalanced diet. Prevention is better than cure, and a wholesome, balanced diet combined with regular exercise, love and care can maintain our dog’s health from puppyhood through to “the golden age”. 

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Dog Food for Brain Health: Key Ingredients

Dog Food for Brain Health: Key Ingredients

Physical stimuli through playtime and training will benefit your dog's mental health. Equally important is to provide your dog with a healthy diet to support brain function from puppy to senior. Nutrients like antioxidants, protein, probiotics and Omega 3 play an important role in brain development as well as cognitive health and should be a part of your dog’s daily diet. 

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Nala’s Easter muffins

Nala’s Easter muffins

Nala loved her treats, and my gluten-free Easter mini cupcakes were a favourite on our outings. Put some extra in the bag for yourself too. They are easy to make, filled with beneficial nutrients, and provide some extra energy for both of you. Nutritional value in the ingredients:

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Digestive Issues in Dogs

Digestive Issues in Dogs

The micro environment in the gut influences our dog both physically, mentally and emotionally. Gut health is therefore important for overall health. Dogs have a unique collection of different types of bacteria, fungi and viruses in their gastrointestinal (GI) tract affecting everything from absorption of nutrients, the production of vitamins and other important substances to protecting the body from disease. In addition, dog's cognitive health and mood are also dependent on a well-functioning microbiome.

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Dog sledder fuels up with Nala Health

Dog sledder fuels up with Nala Health

My name is Sofi Nyström and I am from a small village called Köping in southern Sweden. In February 2018, I decided to move to Narvik, to follow my dream to learn the art of dog sledding and have my own team. My journey started with a husky, and today I have 7 adult dogs and 7 puppies. I also built my own kennel for the dogs.

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